EP 12: A Warrior’s Heart with Erin Scanlon (PT. 2)
In 2016, Erin Scanlon went from training for the fight in Afghanistan, to fighting for her life. All the military training could not prepare her for the fight she would face...realization that another service member had violated her trust and belief in the very virtues that the Army are built on. Unfortunately, like many women in our society Erin quickly realized the chips were stacked against her...she would have an uphill battle to find justice. A battle that would make her question her beliefs, worth, and push her to the edge. But everything happens for a reason, and Erin Scanlon found her reason to keep fighting...not just for herself but for every military member who feels they are helpless after sexual trauma. Listen in as we talk about how a horrific act turned Erin into a formidable advocate of Military Sexual Trauma victims, including her work in Capitol Hill to make lasting changes to the Feres Doctrine. We are happy to encourage our community to get involved with Voices Against Sexual Assault: , https://www.voicesagainstsa.org/about-us , To connect with Erin Scanlon: IG- @heyerinscanlon , Facebook- @Msnorthcarolinauniversal , @facesofMST , *Check out our full company story @ https://honorhilltactical.com, Follow Us and interact with us on Instagram:@honorhilltactical @jonny_hht Facebook: Honor Hill Tactical