EP. 11: A Warrior’s Heart with Erin Scanlon (PT.1)
For the next 2 episodes we will introduce our community to Erin Scanlon, former Army Captain, and staunch Military sexual trauma advocate. Through our time getting to know Erin it is clear to see that she has taken a negative life changing event and turned it into something very positive. In 2016 Erin’s life changed. She would never be the same soldier or woman. But just like the combat she had trained for so diligently, Erin took this fight head on. Her well publicized trial have made the military and government look at sexual assault in the military with a more serious focus...and start to make viable changes. After service she has continued this fight by helping to dismantle the Feres Doctrine, an antiquated law that does not allow service members to seek legal action if they feel their case has been mishandled by the military. Listen in as we discuss the drive that led Erin Scanlon from her days playing sports in Scottsdale, AZ...to military service at Fort Bragg...surviving sexual assault and the mental weight of the trial...and how she is continuing the fight for ALL service members.We are happy to encourage our community to get involved with Voices Against Sexual Assault: , https://www.voicesagainstsa.org/about-us , To connect with Erin Scanlon: IG- @heyerinscanlon , Facebook- @Msnorthcarolinauniversal , @facesofMST , *Check out our full company story @ https://honorhilltactical.com, Follow Us and interact with us on Instagram:@honorhilltactical @bradycoughlin_hht@jonny_hht Facebook: Honor Hill Tactical