Karen Brody
Talking with Karen Brody on Intimate Conversations was truly a gift that fit completely with where I am in my life right now. From her choice to live her adventure in Mexico to the journey she has traveled, Karen knows what it means to surrender to the universe and drop in to her femininity. (And I was fascinated to hear about her relationship with a Latin man------ oooh baby!) Karen has some fabulous insights in to men and their seven masculine powers. She works with men to help them understand women and connect on the level we women yearn for with a man. Her work has shown her that many men are deeply wounded and lack the confidence in their own masculine power, or sadly, some have never even ever been shown their masculine power. She helps men see their beauty and their power and opens their eyes to how it can be so helpful in how they relate to women and find the relationship they're looking for with a woman who loves and adores them. This is a call for men who are ready to embrace the gifts the universe has given them and the parts of them that draw in a woman of worth who is ready to love, support and fuel his purpose on the planet. If you missed the interview, be sure to listen to the replay. This interview has information that will help both men and women and explain why things happen that threaten intimacy and relationships--- what men do that causes women to become disenchanted and crunchy and what women do that emasculate men and challenge their potent masculinity. Learn the secrets of seduction that work! Karen Brody is The Love and Intimacy Coach for Men, and the author of the soon to be released, “MOJO, Activate Your 7 Masculine Powers to Arouse Your Woman’s Love a Desire. Karen teaches men how to successfully navigate women and how to become irresistibly sexy to the woman they love. Karen says that most of the issues men experience with women, in love, have to do with not understanding the nature of their own masculine power. In her 12 years as The Love and Intimacy Coach for Men, Karen’s helped thousands of men come to know and step into their power, and experience the kind of deeply satisfying relationships they most desire with women. Karen also teaches women how to get their man to worship and adore them, so that they can feel the kind of powerful intimacy they long for. Karen says that men often live at the affect of women in relationship, rather than being the kind of men who can confidently command a woman’s love and desire and this diminishes intimacy and attraction. It is her mission to transform men from “nice guys” and men who go along with the program, into men who can meet women in the deepest dance of love!