Christina Dunbar
Christina Dunbar joined Intimate Conversations and the sultry, poetic and badassery combination of this woman is such a gift to the planet. It had been a day with challenges and Christina held the space for ME to be vulnerable and raw and work through those challenges. One of the great blessings available to all of us is to find the sisterhood that can exist between us and in doing so find the parts of ourselves yet to be uncovered. I can't wait to have some more girl time with Christina! She is a true poetess and has an amazing softness, sultriness and totally hot edge to her way of communicating. And be sure to check out her very generous offer that she brought for the audience: Visibility Vixen Breakthrough. There are only 25 of the offers available and it's a password protected page so be sure to listen to the replay and find out how YOU can have access to the exquisite Christina Dunbar. Christina Dunbar is a Performing Speaker and Artistpreneur that deeply values the gift of self-expression. She is currently writing her 1st one-woman show: Sex, Shame, Money, Mania and performing poetry weekly on stages across LA. Christina is co-creator of the Bye Bye Good Girl Movement and founder of Christina uses her writing skills, her artist’s eye, and her mentoring magic to create major up-level for clients through her Visibility Vixen Breakthrough Packages. In her retreats, mentoring circles, and stage performances she ignites other artists, leaders, and entrepreneurs to find their voice + freak their truth + create brand badassery. Who am I? Is a fave question of mine. And although I can’t always fit under a label, some things I know for sure I am…A space holder A catalyst for badasseryA freak your truth fanatic I am…An art loverA poetessAn artistic directorA performing speaker and actress I feel blessed to play in this sandbox of self-expression with all of you. Badassery is about owning ALL the parts of ourselves as women; the sexual AND spiritual, the fierce AND kind, the shadow AND Light. Badassery is about honoring that we as women are not one thing, or one way, or one note. Badassery is about visibility; it’s about owning our right to take up space on this planet and be seen and heard. Badassery is about trusting our intuition. Badassery is for people who feel weird, wrong, and wild. Badassery is permission to be you. I believe you have a unique form of self-expression. A voice. I believe in poetry and prose, playful ways to pose– in photographs and clothes, as you beam your light for show. My self-expression flutters forth through writing, spoken word, and performing. On any given eve you can find me at an open-mic, an acting class, speaking to badass biz chicks on topics ranging from shame to visibility, or chillaxing under the stars to fuel my inspiration and awe (my husband and I like to frequent the beach at night when all is oh-so-quiet). I believe you have the right to take up space on this planet and be seen and heard. I believe in visibility, vamping it up and giving voice to your truth. I play… With women that want to create stories with their messages and movements. I play with women that want their brands feel like a work of art through the words, the photos, and the videos they use. I hold space for women ready to bust through visibility blocks. I hold space for women to throw shame out the window and create movements + messages that are personalized. And… I also… Hold space for women that wanna be in the spotlight. Literally. Through their one-woman shows or signature stories. Check out the possibilities here. I’ve performed on hundreds of mics. I’ve danced at the Seattle Opera House. Spoken on entrepreneur summits and stages. Spit spoken word. Led my own events in LA and Cancun. I’ve landed on-line magazine covers and have gone from dreading to delighting in the pic-taking experience. Visibility finally feels good. I used to be terrified of my voice and thought I wasn’t good enough to be seen. And now? I still feel the fear… but I call it excitement. My most thrilling and chilling–as in big n’ bold kinda chilling— is the one-woman show I am writing and preparing to… ‘star’ in. I am freaked out and excited about this (all at once). Sex, Shame, Money, Mania is the story of my journey about finding and freaking my truth. I hope to see you in the audience at the premier! For those that feel me on the self-expression tip… Welcome to my tribe of creative misfits n’ rebels, starlets, and leaders. Let’s show the world ALL of who we are. I’m not talking showing the parts that some like. I’m not talking about showing the parts that are pretty and neat. I’m talking about the parts that are rich and daring and different. I’m talking freakish, full-on self-expression! Turn the strange into genius * Rock ALL of you* Be the starlet of your life I vibe with women who are over hiding out, done with the Good Girl BS, and ready to let their spirit lead them… even if it means they gotta jump… especially if it means they gotta jump. I love ladies that are into total truth telling, mission spreading, joy loving, passion diving, creative spilling, bold living, freedom seeking, action taking STARS.