Daphne Cohn
I learned so much on this inspiring call with Daphne Cohn! Known as the “Pleasure Nutritionist”, she wants to teach all of us how to be lean and trim with pure, sheer pleasure. On the call Daphne spoke real truths, shared her insightful words about her own intimate relationships, and extended an invitation to a fabulous offer that is only available if you listen to the call. Daphne studied Whole Health Education at the National Institute of Whole Health. She became a Raw Food Specialist with the Body-Mind Institute Raw Nutrition Certification Program and she is an Intuitive Eating Counselor. Daphne has taught courses on nutrition locally and around the United States. Daphne has conducted five international telesummits, interviewing over 65 health and wellness experts including Byron Katie, Debbie Ford, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Bernie Siegel, David Wolfe, Dr. Brian Clement, Dr. Norm Shealy, Dr. Marcelle Pick and several others. Daphne has created several online health and wellness courses including her 28 day Wake Up Energized Program, the Radiant Beauty Cleanse ecourse and the fabulous Sister Circle Year-Long Membership Program.. She is currently working on a book due out in fall 2011. Pleasure is possible when trying to be fit, trim, and healthy – and Daphne Cohn shows you how! If you are interested in learning more about the “Pleasure Nutritionist” as well as all of her amazing products and services, please go to http://thepleasurenutritionist.com/.