01.03 Sucky Lung Compliance, Hard to Vent Patient
This episode deals with the patient who is hard to ventilate or hard to bag. This can be very frustrating for our clinicians and can be very dangerous in our pediatric patient population. There are a ton of ways to help improve lung compliance, and this podcast really addresses one of them, but it's an item is very often missed, and something that most people don't fully understand. I hope you like it! Source materials below: #HEMS #FOAMed #coffeebreakHEMS #criticalcare #ventnerd “Static Compliance Equation Page :: MediCalculator ::: ScyMed :::” ScyMed, 2019, www.scymed.com/en/smnxpr/prsdc055.htm. • clinical experts group. “Static Compliance vs Dynamic Compliance.” Static Compliance (Cstat) vs. Dynamic Compliance (Cdyn), 2017, www.hamilton-medical.com/en_US/E-Learning-and-Education/Knowledge-Base/Knowledge-Base-Detail~2019-02-04~Static-compliance-%28Cstat%29-vs--dynamic-compliance-%28Cdyn%29~23980f36-edb7-41ea-b04f-fb9fe4d990b5~.html#DataTables_Table_0=od3. • Tepper et al. “Static Compliance of the Respiratory System in Healthy Infants.” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2001, www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1164/ajrccm.163.1.2002130. • Brower, et al. “Driving Pressure: a Marker of Severity, a Safety Limit, or a Goal for Mechanical Ventilation?” Critical Care, BioMed Central, 1 Jan. 2013, ccforum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13054-017-1779-x. • Nickson, Chris. “Pulmonary Mechanics • LITFL • CCC Ventilation.” Life in the Fast Lane • LITFL • Medical Blog, 30 Mar. 2019, litfl.com/pulmonary-mechanics/.