Episode 4: Demonstrating the value of interventional radiology | Guests: Matt Hawkins and Stephanie L. Dybul
Without being able to articulate what that value is, I’m sure many IRs across the country can relate to the struggle that might ensue when you’re trying to [explain it]. You know you’re valuable, but you have trouble quantifying it and articulating it. —Matt Hawkins, MD In December 2019, SIR Foundation hosted a Research Consensus Panel on the Value of Interventional Radiology, led by Matt Hawkins, MD. Warren Krackov, MD, and Jaimin Shah, MD, talk with Dr. Hawkins about measuring value and with SIR coding consultant Stephanie L. Dybul, MBA, RT, about the tools IRs can use to get reimbursed appropriately.Contact us with your ideas and questions, or read more about about interventional radiology in IR Quarterly magazine or SIR's Patient Center.(c) Society of Interventional Radiology. Support the show (https://www.sirweb.org/corporate)