Cluneal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome

Dr. Rosenbum reviews the Cluneal Nerve Anatomy and Entrapment Syndrome Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address *       References Aota Y. Entrapment of middle cluneal nerves as an unknown cause of low back pain. World Journal of Orthopedics. 2016;7(3):167-170. Ermis M, Yildrum D, Duraknasa M, Tanam C, Ermis O. Medial superior cluneal nerve entrapment neuropathy in military personnel; diagnosis and etiologic factors. J Back Muscul Rehab. 2011;4:137-144. Talu G, Suleyman O, talu U. Supeior cluneal nerve entrapment. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. 2000;25(6):648-650. Wisotzky E, Cocchiarella A. Cluneal neuropathy – An underdiagnosed cause of low back pain: A case series. PMaR. 2010;2(9):73-74.

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