PRP and Biologics- A Look at the Data
Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address * References ASIPP Guidelines Antonio Marmotti,1,2 Roberto Rossi,1 Filippo Castoldi,1 Eliana Roveda,3 Gianni Michielon,3 and Giuseppe M. Peretti3,4, PRP and Articular Cartilage: A Clinical Update Yiqin Zhou, Jianying Zhang, Haishan Wu, MaCalus V. Hogan a James H-C. Wang The differential effects of leukocyte-containing and pure platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on tendon stem/progenitor cells - implications of PRP application for the clinical treatment of tendon injuriesStem Cell Research a Therapy volume6, Article number: 173 Mohammad Shahid, Rik Kundra EFORT Open ReviewsVol. 2, No. 2 Sports a Arthroscopy Open Access license Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for knee disorders