ICP 67: Doug Schmidt and Rick Amundson Introducing 3200 Upstate NY School Teachers to Plant-based Nutrition
I had a great time speaking to Doug Schmidt and Rick Amundson about their leading roles in introducing 3200 upstate New York School teachers and support staff to a 10-day Plant-Based Challenge. As you'll hear, this has been a project that Doug, his wife Shari and Rick have been working on for several years. I hope that hearing about this successful program will inspire you to promote something similar in your hometown. I had a conversation with Doug on his health journey that you can find above in the embedded player or HERE. After having 2 cardiac events, he realized something needed to be done. He went plant-based, lost weight and is now paying it forward and teaching others about this life saving way of eating and living. Doug's Forks Over Knives Article: https://www.forksoverknives.com/heart-attack-plant-based-diet/#gs.8j46qx LiveKindly Article on Doug's Success: https://www.livekindly.co/new-york-state-school-districts-vegan-good-life-challenge/