ICP 52: Robby Barbaro and Dr. Cyrus Khambatta, PhD- Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with Fruit
If you or someone you know if living with pre-diabetes, Full blown Type 2 diabetes or is a Type 1 diabetic, this is the episode for you. Robby and Cyrus are experts at treating and reversing pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, a scourge to over 100 million people in the US, according to a new CDC report. In our discussion, we get into the details of what is truly causing Type 2 Diabetes, the enormous role our diet plays in causing this and the role our diet can play in reversing it. We also juxtapose their method of treating diabetes with other methods touted in the interwebs and talk about which one is better and why. And as you could tell in the intro, Robby and Cyrus treat it very differently than you would think. They are able to reverse a disease of too much blood sugar with foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, or sugars. It seems wildly counterintuitive and it seems like they’re nuts, but Trust me, by the end of this hour, you will understand why, you’ll understand the root cause of why people have Type 2 Diabetes and be able to take control of your health and learn more about this completely 100% preventable disease. So, Let’s get right into it, on Episode 52, with Robby Barbaro and Cyrus Khambatta of Mastering Diabetes. Special thank you to Adam Sud who gave me a nudge and recommended I speak with Robby and Cyrus. I really enjoyed that conversation. And more thank you’s to 2 new patrons, Fellow plant-based CYcist Stephen Collins and Bilberry Elf, thank you for your kindness and support. Do you pay for a Netflix subscription? Or Perhaps Sports Illustrated, National Geographic or The New York Times? If so, you do this because you get value and enjoyment out of those publications, magazines or newspapers. In this case, my publication is free and always will be because I feel in the bottom of my heart that this information is too important to withhold from the public. So my business model is slightly different and the barriers to obtain this information are essentially zero, but the ‘value aspect’ still remains. And so I will end this episode with asking you, how much do you value these conversations? You might say “Not enough to pay for them”. And that’s fine, no judgment. Enjoy them and I hope you learn and get healthier. But you want to help my cause and my work and help this message of plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine, join the 34 other Listeners and Patrons who feel the same way. Per Month, Sports Illustrated is around $1, The New York times and Netflix is $8, and National Geographic is $12. We have Patrons donating 1, 2, 5, 10 or as much as $40 per month for these thoughtful and well researched conversations. And I really appreciate your support. To find out more about how this works, you can visit Patreon.com/IanCramerPodcast to read about the donation levels, the perks or what you can do to help if donating isn’t your cup of tea. The bottom line is I hope you get something out of these conversations, I do this because I love it and it’s a labor of love. I want to change the world with this message, and would love for you to join me. Until next time, keep eating more plants, keep asking questions and stay curious, remain responsible and compassionate ambassadors to this movement, and stay healthy.