ICP 32: Dr. Saray Stancic-Multiple Sclerosis Regression with Diet and Lifestyle.

Happy New Year everyone! If you or someone you know has had a diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis or any autoimmune disorder, this is the episode for you.  It took my wife and I a plane, 3 trains and an Uber to get to Dr. Stancic in Ramsay, NJ, but we made it. Dr. Stancic is so great, not only was our conversation fantastic, but she was kind enough to move a patient on her schedule just so we could fit in this interview. The Ian Cramer Podcast is 1 year old and I will continue to bring you conversations with doctors and scholars to make the world a better, healthier place. We've averaged about 1000 listens per episode. Which is great for the first year. We have 15 proud patrons of the podcast, and they deserve a special thank you. And so if I’m doing my math right, that’s 1.5% of my listener base. As I've said in the past, this podcast is free and always will be because I feel that this information is too important to withhold from people. But I'd like you all to be aware that for the end listener, it's free, but behind the scenes in reality, it's not. There are many expenses associated with the making and production of the podcast. In the spirit of transparency and greater understanding, allow me to explain.          I have a full time job and this podcast is a passionate side hustle. At this point, 100% of what I earn from patron contributions is recycled back into the podcast. So Ian, what do you spend the money on? Good question. First are podcast website hosting fees.  I advertise the podcast to get the episodes in front of more eye-balls or in front of more ears, which costs money. I'm also constantly trying to upgrade my equipment to make the production quality better, which costs money. I pay for the software that I use for my Facebook Live sessions and Ask the Doc sessions. Not to mention the time, reading, research and prep that goes into each podcast.      Now, if at this point, you're rolling your eyes, I promise to only make this type of extended soap box speech once per year, but I want you to understand that if you’re listening to these podcasts, you are a part of this community! And you can play a role in supporting me and my work to progress this message to change the world around us for the better. If you've been listening to this podcast for a period of time and if they add value to your life, if they're educational, or have made you healthier or if you've implemented something into your lifestyle that you've heard from this podcast, ...consider how much that's worth to you and consider supporting the podcast. This is just a friendly reminder, not a order…this is not an ultimatum.      On the flip side, there are conditions in which you should not donate. #1- If you don't enjoy it. In which case I would ask you 'Why are you still listening' and #2: If donating would involve making material sacrifices. You must put yourself and your family first.     With your support, I’m able to spend more time creating and spreading meaningful content that can positively impact people’s lives. Will you help me and those around you become healthier? Become a part of my creative community, join me on Patreon and lets make the world a healthier place     Details of how all this works can be found on Patreon.com/IanCramerPodcast. That link can be found in the show notes. Or a couple of other ways you can support this podcast and the message that it’s trying to spread is writing a review on the iTunes store or sharing the podcast with your friends and on social media. I appreciate your support and your time. And if you have any questions, please reach out to me. Contact information and my social media links can be found on my website Plant-basedCyclist.com.

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