ICP 22- Dr. Alan Goldhamer, D.C.- 'What the Health' Controversy, Water Fasting and the Pleasure Trap.
Dr. Alan Goldhamer is the founder of True North Health Centers in Santa Rosa California. He’s a chiropractor who’s been successfully implementing lifestyle medicine to his patient for over 30 years. He, along with Episode #19’s Dr. Michael Klaper and many more health professionals treat the sickest of the sick, the ones who don’t respond to moderate lifestyle changes. He is the last resort, his facility is Health’s “True North”, health’s northern star. And you know what, it works. You might know Dr. Goldhamer from his appearance in the Netflix documentary What the Health, and we speak about the controversy involving some of his patients featured in the film. In essence, people claimed that his patients were paid actors, and he responds. Topics that we cover include his background and how he became interested in health, wellness and water fasting, an explanation of the ‘extreme’ nature of water fasting, cravings, The Pleasure Trap, and we also speak about the Chiropractic profession in general. He and Dr. Doug Lisle are the authors of The Pleasure Trap, which explains the hidden forces that undermine health and happiness. In the past week, I put in a lot of work revising my website to make it more user friendly and provide more content for the end user. I mainly updated the podcast sub-heading and have dedicated an entire page to each podcast that I publish. Each page now include a large headshot at the top, an embedded audio player of that episode, along with the 8 or so infographics I produce and publish on social media for each speaker, as well as a blurb on each guest and easy ways to share each episode on social media. You can check that out at plant-basedcyclist.com/podcast. I appreciate your feedback, and I hope it makes it easier for you to consume the content and get healthier. I hope you enjoy and learn something from this conversation, episode #22 with Dr. Alan Goldhamer. If you find these conversations valuable, there are many ways you can support this podcast. You can leave a review on the iTunes store, you can spread the podcast to your friends or share it via social media. Or you can sponsor the podcast directly through its Patreon page, at Patreon.com/IanCramerPodcast. Please know that your support, in any form, is greatly appreciated. Join us for a new episode every other Saturday. Let’s get healthier, and stay healthier, together. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IanCramerPodcast Website: http://www.plant-basedcyclist.com/ Podcast Page: http://www.plant-basedcyclist.com/podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedCyclist1/ E-mail: IanMCramer@gmail.com Music Credit: http://birocratic.bandcamp.com