Supreme Alphas
Let’s put the findom aspect of this video aside, and instead focus solely on the freight train Alpha intensity of @casterdom, the straight Alpha featured in it. Look into his eyes. Listen to his words, slicing through bullshit and preconceptions like a searingly hot knife. Drink in his take-no-prisoners attitude. I have had several lengthy conversations with @CasterDom, and I can tell you that he has been purebred Alpha since conception. It’s all he’s ever known. It’s all he will ever know. Until October of last year, @casterdom only thought of faggots as weak males that served no function in the life of a Superior straight Alpha such as himself. But then he was encouraged by his girlfriend to present himself for worship by faggots and allow them to serve him. This was initially uncomfortable for him, as it was brand new territory. But of course, an Alpha of this extraordinary power and magnitude will never be ignored by faggots. True faggots know the gods from the pretenders. Suddenly, he was deluged by tributes so overwhelming that he even posted a video expressing his pleasant surprise. Since then, his empire has grown dramatically. There are just some Alphas who engender this type of soul-baring worship from faggots. It is in our inferior DNA to surrender body and soul to these colossal monuments of Masculinity. We know their godly names. They ring in our minds and howl across the landscape like a hungry pack of wolves. @natural-hung-bull … @straightalphamike … @master-xaviar … @master-drainer … @ehuro … @bigdaddyalphaforfags … @ironwothan … @ellipticnightmare … @maxtem19… and the list goes on. Each one a pillar of Alphahood, a light in the darkness and an impenetrable fortress against the storms. Faggots crave any opportunity to serve at the feet of these truly superhuman Alphas. These Supreme Alphas. @CasterDom is there with these greats, at the top of Mount Olympus and looking over all of his domain. We are that domain. We should be grateful that Supreme Alphas exist and graciously allow us to worship!