Dorm Room Encounters
There is no doubt that dorm rooms around the world have been one of the primary vehicles of straight Male experimentation with gay sex. All of the necessary ingredients are there: hot guys at the height of their reproductive powers, freedom from parental authority, close proximity to other males, often in various states of undress, and the lack of constant female availability. I doubt that there are few scenarios hotter for gay males, but it's especially enticing for faggots. The idea of being used sexually as a fuck toy by a straight college stud is almost unbearably erotic. Some lucky faggots get to experience this personally (see my ongoing series of true stories about frat fag's enslavement by a college Alpha named Duke), but the fantasy is shared by all of us. Gay porn often tries to emulate this fantasy, but without good performances (a rarity in porn), the attempts often fall flat. But there is one gay porn scene that stands head-and-shoulders above all others. It is the instant-classic encounter between Blu Kennedy and Danny Bitho in the film Encounters: The Heat of the Moment by Lucas Entertainment, a favorite among gay audiences. The first time I saw this electric scene, I almost passed out from excitement. Most of that has to do with Bitho's perfect Alpha college stud performance. Just the way he says "cock" is mouth watering. Also his confident stare, almost daring Kennedy to submit to his needs. The only scene I can even compare to this one is the recent film "Mine" from Helix Studios featuring Blake Mitchell and Joey Mills. But even then, it doesn't approach this level of pure Alpha/fag heat. Enjoy: