Episode 43 The Sleeping Preacher X+Y=Z
In the late 19th century, Constantine Sanders was known as Alabama's Sleeping Preacher. Often writing down premonitions and visions from a "trance state" that would be signed by his "companion" X+Y=Z. Was Sanders evil? Possessed? Or haunted by X+Y=Z? Read full show notes and learn more about The Sleeping Preacher at southernmysteries.com Connect with Southern Mysteries Website southernmysteries.com Facebook Discussion Group Twitter @mysteriespod Email southernmysteriespodcast@gmail.com Music Theme Song “Dark a Troubled” by Panthernburn. Special thanks to Phillip St Ours for permission for use. Additional Music “Lightless Dawn”, “Easy Day", "Evening Fall Harp", "Ambient", "Long Note 1”, "Long Note 2", “Long Note 4”, “Dark Times” and "Peace of Mind" by Kevin MacLeod. "Resolution" by Wayne Jones. "A Revelation" by Jeremy Blake. Licensed under Creative Commons