Episode 20: The Mystery of Old Mike
In the summer of 1911 an unidentified man died in the railroad town of Prescott, Arkansas. With no ID and no way to find his family, the town undertaker put the man’s body on public display for over 60 years. Who was this man? And why did it take 60 years to bury him? Find full show notes for this episode at southernmysteries.com SUPPORT THE SHOW Buy merchandise in the Southern Mysteries Store SPONSOR This episode of Southern Mysteries is brought to you by barkbox.com – get one free extra month of BarkBox at getbarkbox.com/southernmysteries when you use code PBFEM CONNECT | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Discussion Group MUSIC Theme Song “Dark a Troubled” by Panthernburn. Special thanks to Phillip St Ours for permission for use ***Additional Music: Nicolai Heidlas “Letting Go”; Nicolai Heidlas “Beyond”; Kevin MacLeod “Wounded”, “Mesmerize”, and “Cryptic Sorrow”; Whitesand “Passage” Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution