007 Sara Georgini, John Adams a The Adams Papers Editorial Project

The United States declared independence from Great Britain in July 1776, but the King and Parliament of Great Britain did not recognize this independence until April 9, 1784.  On June 1, 1785, King George III received his first diplomat from the United States.  Do you know what happened when His Majesty came face-to-face with John Adams? The Papers of John Adams reveal much about his meeting with King George III as well as the time he spent as a Revolutionary, Statesmen, President, and retired gentleman farmer. Sara Georgini, Assistant Editor at the Adams Papers Documentary Editing Project joins us to discuss John Adams’ experiences as the first U.S. Minister to Great Britain and what it is like to work with the more than 250,000 documents that Adams and his descendants have generated.  Show Notes: http://www.benfranklinsworld.com/007   Helpful Show Links Ben Franklin's World Facebook Page Join the Ben Franklin's World Community Sign-up for the Franklin Gazette Newsletter Ben Franklin's World iOS App Ben Franklin's World Android App   *Books purchased through this link will help support the production of Ben Franklin's World.

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