Ep 9: Merle's Story (Re-release)
Show notes:
National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419.
Kid’s Help Phone line 24/7: 1-800-668-6868
Merle Nisly’s reaction to the uncovering of 215 Indigenous children in Kamloops. https://mnisly.com/the-impact-of-215/
“Every child matters” - Indigenous History Month:
TRC 94 Calls to Action:
Justice Sinclair: “TRC One Year Later”
“Change may not look like what you thought it would”
CBC - news: “Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report”
Some history of Northern Light Gospel Missions and Poplar Hill
Canadian Mennonite series: https://canadianmennonite.org/articles/how-complicit-are-mennonites-residential-school-abuse
“A first step towards healing” - Personal reflection on the first TRC event (June 2010)
“MC Canada shares the pain of Indian Residential School legacy” - A report on discussions at MC Canada Assembly 2010 https://canadianmennonite.org/articles/mc-canada-shares-pain-indian-residential-school-legacy
Edited by Christen Kong
Mixed by Francois Goudrealt of Hello Francy Sound and Music
Production Research by Seun Olowo-Ake
Original music by Brian MacMillan
Artwork by Jesse Bergen