The Shake | Season 2 : Episode 04 : Green Gorilla / Flemming & Singh Cannabis Inc.
Treehouse Solution Content Media Platform presents "The Shake", a Podcast on Cannabis : Join the discussion with Av Singh, Chief Science Officer at Green Gorilla and Cannabis Consultant at Flemming & Singh Cannabis Inc. Av Singh brings over 25 years within the organic food and farming sector to the conversation. He provides systems design thinking and holistic cultivation strategies to the cannabis sector.
Flemming & Singh Cannabis Inc. | With a foundational reverence for the cannabis plant and an honouring of the traditional knowledge within the subculture, Flemming & Singh Cannabis Inc. works with cannabis growers to help produce the highest quality plant. Based on an understanding of the co-evolution between the cannabis plant and the life in the soil, they promote a living soil system with organic amendments as a prerequisite for the most robust cannabinoid and terpene profile.
Green Gorilla | Green Gorilla is an international group focused on expanding the world’s access to hemp based solutions. They believe that hemp holds incredible promise as a renewable source of medicines, foods, fuel, textiles, plastics, building materials, pulp & paper, and much more. Green Gorilla is committed to unlocking potential, making sustainable and ethical choices to protect the planet.