A NEW Look at Venezuela with Ryan Berg
Geographically speaking, the United States is in an enviable position. We have strong relationships with the neighbors to our North and South, oceans to the East and West, and a region that's largely democratic. While this allows most of the foreign policy discussion to concentrate on regions further afield, such as the Middle East and Asia, we cannot afford to overlook problems in the Western Hemisphere, particularly those emanating from Venezuela's political crisis.
On this episode of the podcast, Rep. Gallagher is joined by Ryan Berg, a Research Fellow at AEI whose focus is on transnational organized crime, narco trafficking, and illicit networks. Ryan, a fellow Wisconsinite and expert in Latin American foreign policy, helps analyze the growing threats posed by the Maduro regime in Venezuela and why, from drug trafficking to the Coronavirus, we should be paying more attention to what’s happening in Latin America. You can read more of his work here.