NEW Look at the NEW Look with Richard Immerman (Author, Historian)
By now, you know the NEW Look podcast is a series of conversations examined through the lens of Northeast Wisconsin, the area of the state Rep. Gallagher represents that is often referred to as "NEW." But there's more to the name than that. The name is also an ode to President Eisenhower's national security strategy, the "New Look," which balanced Cold War military commitments along with US financial concerns. As a self-proclaimed Eisenhower Nerd, it's only fitting that he named his podcast after one of President Eisenhower's lasting achievements. But today, he takes things to a whole nother level by dedicating this episode to taking a NEW look at the New Look.
To help him do so, Rep. Gallagher is joined by Professor Richard Immerman, the Marvin Wachman Director Emeritus at the Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy at Temple University, American historian, and author of a number of books, including Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped an Enduring Cold War Strategy. Richard is one of the pre-eminent scholars on US foreign relations, and joins Rep. Gallagher for a fascinating conversation on President Eisenhower, the Cold War, and the lasting legacy of the New Look (besides this podcast). But don't worry; while they extensively cover an array of the Cold War’s key issues, the two still leave plenty of time to discuss some of their favorite movies and advice for students from Northeast Wisconsin.