One: Ghosts and Apparitions
Show Notes, Episode One We did it! Welcome to the first episode of the Not Alone podcast. We decided to start ourselves off with a pretty widespread topic: Ghosts and Apparitions! Join us as we take a look through history at unexplained apparitions, starting with the Biblical story of Saul and Samuel, moving on to the civil war and everyone's favorite president, and ending in the modern day with some more contemporary stories. Our interview focuses especially on the phenomena of Crisis Apparitions, detailing the fascinating experiences of Michelle, a close friend, who has had more than a few close calls with the mysterious herself. We hope you enjoy it, and if you do let us know! You can find us on Facebook, twitter, and instagram, just by searching Not Alone Podcast, or find links to those pages at, under the Follow the Pod! section. The intro music was created by Sam Fredrickson. He is deeply sorry for it. Sources and Links Ghost of Samuel - Civil War Rider - Lincoln's Ghost -'s_ghost#Reported_Apparitions Crisis Apparitions: D. Scott Rogo, Edmund Gurney and the SPR - CNN Article - Hauntings a Poltergeists - (The Section on Crisis Apparitions pg. 44 a 45) Credits: Sam Fredrickson: Host and Producer, as well as composer of theme Jason Moitoso: Host Sound effects sourced from The ambiance clip is the property of Kristiankultra The war sounds clip is the property of bone666138