Episode 22: DuDs forgot RED DRAGONS!
In this episode, DuDs and Bank take a break from trying to improve the game by bringing you the top ten things they love about Minecraft. Also, snapshot 19W45A is out with improvements to bees, they will now search up to ten blocks in all directions to find a nest or hive to call home. DuDs has issues with Chunky and there's endless talk about crotches for some reason.
Chunky Minecraft mapping and rendering tool: https://chunky.llbit.se/
1.15 snapshot blog post: https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-19w45a
Discord: https://discord.gg/gqnKyeZ
Website: http://rippleeffectsmp.com/podcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/witheringeffect
E-mail: podcast@rippleeffectsmp.com
Voice Message: https://anchor.fm/thewitheringeffect/message
Show Hosts
DuDs YouTube: https://youtube.com/DuDs_vs
DuDs Twitter: https://twitter.com/DuDs_vs
DuDs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/DuDs_vs
Banks YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCyg7sNFi_qMG2pRtTM4046w
Banks Twitter: https://twitter.com/AardappelBank
Banks Mixer: https://mixer.com/BankAardappel
Digital Producer
CarlRyds YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/CarlRydsGaming
CarlRyds Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarlRyds
CarlRyds Twitch: https://twitch.tv/CarlRydsGaming
Music Master
DiiKoj YouTube: https://youtube.com/DiiKoj
DiiKoj Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiiKoj