Episode 105: Stump the Tone - The Music Trivia Episode
In our 105th episode, we (finally) turn the camera inward at our resident rain man, Tony. He’s often heard spouting off facts and memories on the podcast, so we figured we’d put him to the test. “Stump the Tone” features different trivia curated by both Anthony and Nate, and is set to test Tony’s (and all of the PodHeads) Nerdery acumen. Play along and let us know how you did! The beginning of the episode features a quick mention of 2 years of the podcast, as well as a brief explanation of how the boys provided additional vocals for Trawl’s new song, “Kaiju King”. Stay tuned for more on the song, and for new music from Trawl!
We’d love for everyone to hear this episode! Support the Podioslave family by rating, subscribing, sharing, storying, tweeting, etc — you get the vibe. Peace, love, and Podioslave. (On the episode: (0:00) Episode intro and reflections on being part of the new Trawl song. (6:33) Main segment starts - Stump the Tone: The Music Trivia Episode. (56:19) New Trawl song “Kaiju King”)
Peep new Trawl Song here: https://linktr.ee/TrawlBand
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