12: Niagara Falls English Podcast – American English Conversation | Intermediate Advanced Lessons
This is one of the most interesting Real English Conversations about the world-famous Niagara Falls. We discuss how they were created, why people are attracted to it, and how it changes its appearance dramatically during the winter months. We also share with you some history of this amazing landmark. Become The Confident Communicator You've Always Wanted To Be Real English Conversations is a website for students that want to start USING their English skills! We offer a mix of real conversations you can join to practice speaking and excellent online lessons that can be studied at any time. Members get access to: Live speaking practice sessions with a teacher and in a small group with other members. Full conversation lessons (like this audio lesson) that also include speaking practice activities, listening comprehension questions, a full transcription, the MP3 downloads. The Listening Training Video Series to rapidly improve your listening skills Access to the Speaking Course, the Phrasal Verb Course, and much more! Come to our website or click this link to get started! English Podcast Join our email list to get updates when we publish new podcasts or lessons Other English Podcast Conversation Lessons: Applying For Jobs Learning Languages Part 2 Camping Listen To The Conversation about Niagara Falls on YouTube