The Peach Orchard at Gettysburg - Part One (S1 E4)
The first of a two-part series which will focus on the ferocious, yet often overlooked, fighting in and around the Peach Orchard owned by Joseph Sherfy and his family. In part one, Eric and Jim give background on the property and discuss the plans of General Robert E. Lee and his army for the Peach Orchard and the Emmitsburg Road on July 2, 1863. They also detail and discuss the motivations for Major General Daniel Sickles and his Union Third Corps to move forward to the position in one of the most controversial decisions of the battle, and the disruptions they will cause to not only the Union battle line but to the Confederate plan of attack as well. Since there was so much material to cover the decision was made to turn the Peach Orchard into a two-part series with Episode Four covering the background and planning on July 2, and Episode Five a detailed look at the fighting in the area.