Is next year YOUR year to build or renovate your home? Then listen to this podcast to learn how to get it right.- Episode 4 (PRE-XMAS SEASON 2018)
In this episode, I’m going to be sharing with you how to really get yourself ready for your renovation or building project if that’s on the cards for you in 2019. NOW is the time to prepare properly, and so I want to help you get really well set up for a successful project so you can save time, money and stress, and get it right in your future home. Sound good? So, let’s dive in. SHOW NOTES: In my experience, when homeowners start thinking about building or renovating, this is commonly what they do: they jump online, perhaps set up a Pinterest Board or Houzz Ideabook, and start gathering gorgeous images of kitchens, living rooms, alfresco areas … a lot of aspirational photos of finished projects that look like what they hope they’ll have in their dream home They really do try to nail and define their ‘style’ and put a name on how to describe it … be it Hamptons, or Coastal, or Scandi or something similar They may get a builder around and throw a bunch of ideas and suggestions at them, to try and get an idea of price - which is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string They can speak to friends and neighbours who’ve renovated or built, to see who they used and if they were any good, and what suggestions they might have They might even get a few designers around, and pick their brains for ideas under the guise of seeking fees for their help And I’ve even seen homeowners at this point look at colour schemes, flooring, tiles and Tapware and start collecting samples of things they like Look, all of these things are definitely part of the process, but they’re not the best place to start. In fact, they can be a great way to waste time as you pursue ideas and suggestions that aren’t based in what’s possible for your project and budget - or what potentially suits you the best. And they’re completely lacking any strategy that will streamline your effort, make your project more efficient, or less stressful as well. Homeowners can spend years at this point. Often they’re waiting for the ‘right’ time in their lives … for a pocket of time to become available. Which if you’re like most busy, modern families, that doesn’t really ever happen. Or they’re waiting to have ‘enough money’, which is certainly useful, but if they haven’t actually established their budget, or got some concrete ideas of costs for their desired ideas, it’s a bit of a stab in the dark what ‘enough money’ actually is. I could keep going on about what happens for homeowners in the time before they start their renovation or building projects. Many call it ‘getting ready’ but I feel it’s more like procrastination - or ‘procrasti-planning’ as I call it! And it’s counterproductive because in the searching, the collecting of ideas, the desire to get certainty around what they want to do, what they want to spend, and how they want their home to be, there’s a lot of time wasted. Because they’re often doing it alone, or with well-meaning but poor quality advice from free Facebook groups, or fluffy websites online written by people without a lot of experience or expertise. Sitting up late at night, or scanning their phone on their commute, or at the park with the kids. I think of the deliberation and research that first time mums put into purchasing their first pram or car seat, and yet fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants for their renovation or building project. I see women taking 12 months to plan a wedding - a one-day event that’s basically a very expensive party - and yet dive into renovating or building with incredible urgency and haste. This may all sound quite harsh and brutal … It basically comes down to this: If you don’t know how to get where you’re going, how can you possibly expect to not get lost? How can you expect to know how to ask the right questions, choose the right people to work with, know how to ask for what you want, be sure you’re getting what you’re paying for, and reach the destination of your finished home unscathed? If you have bottomless pockets and all the time in the world, then winging it is certainly do-able for your renovation or building project. But if you have constraints of time, money and resources, then you may want to be better prepared, better informed, and better equipped for the journey to your finished home. It is possible to have a great experience when you build or renovate your home. You hold the key. You are your future home’s greatest asset. You - what you do, how you choose, what you decide and how you push the progress of your project. It’s within your reach, your power, to be your home’s greatest advocate, and for you to know what you need to know to make your project a success. The fact that you listen to the Undercover Architect podcast tells me that you’re a natural at this … because you understand the importance of being informed and educated for your home’s reno or build to go well. So how can we work together more closely on this … how can you get better prepared, and better informed for your project? Listen to this episode to larn more about “How to Get it Right in Your Reno or New Home”. This is my 6 week online course that is a super-fast way to get you equipped with the tools, knowledge and resources to make your project a success. From understanding how to speak to council, your potential designer and builder, to be able to set your budget and communicate what you want for your future home, to auditing the design and getting all the details resolved, and through to having a stress-free construction process that runs on time and on budget … that’s what “How to Get it Right” will help you do. I’ve got some exciting news to share with you about developments we’ve made in this course to improve it, and also a holiday special you can access so that, if 2019 is your year to renovate or build your family home, you can get yourself sorted and prepared in the best way possible. This is such a great way to get ready for your renovation or building project, and learn a step-by-step system that is proven, tested and I’ve used on my own and client projects for 2 decades now. Plus, you’ll access lots of additional helpful tools and resources to simplify your project, and help you get it right in your future home. As Lisa said "You CANNOT renovate or build without first doing the course with UA! The mistakes that you will avoid will save you tens of thousands $!!" That’s a sensational return on investment! And when members are asked “Do you think this course has saved you time and stress”, 100% of respondents said yes. If you have any questions about whether it’s a good fit for you and your project, get in touch on or join now on FOR RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST CLICK HERE See for privacy information.