Session 1

In this first episode of Overland Roundtable, we focus on introducing each of the 5 core panel members, and discuss the definition of Overlanding according to Wikipedia and what it means to each of us. The panel consists of the following people in the order which they appear on the show:   Dan Cole:  Dan explores in his 1999 Jeep Cherokee 2dr and 2007 GMC Yukon XL.  He is also in the middle of building an offroading camping trailer that will be used to tackle the ALCAN highway on a journey from Kansas City, KC up to Fairbanks, AK.  Find Dan at and also:   Facebook: Instagram: @the4x4podcast Twitter: @the4x4podcast Youtube:     Happy Good Friday folks! Be sure to make time for an adventure this weekend...even if it's just a short one. I'm going to take my HAM Technician exam on Saturday! Wish me luck! I also plan on spraying the gist coat of finish on the #AlaskaExpedition #trailer. I've got to keep making progress. @lodgecastiron @motusworld @cvttents A photo posted by Dan (@the4x4podcast) on Apr 3, 2015 at 5:12am PDT   Taylor Adney: 1993 Toyota 4runner, outfitted for overland travel. Part of a group recently formed called “The Overland Adventures” which can be found on Instagram (@theoverlandadventures) and on Youtube:     "The pig!" #theoverlandadventures #toyota4runner #toyota #4runner #2ndgen #outfitandexplore #myoverlandadventure #neverstopexploring #goexplore #getoutside A photo posted by The Overland Adventures (@theoverlandadventures) on Mar 18, 2015 at 9:20am PDT Jason Spect: Driving a 2013 Toyota Tacoma and a 3rd Gen Toyota 4runner. Been into Overland travel for about 7 years, part of a team called Mountain State Overland. Can be found at and on Facebook:  Instagram: @msoverland Youtube:   I spy...adventure #whereswaldo #explore #protect #overland #appalachia @blueridgeoverlandgear @outdoorx4 A photo posted by Mountain State Overland (@msoverland) on Apr 18, 2015 at 1:45pm PDT A photo posted by Alex Garner (@intentsoffroad) on Apr 8, 2015 at 12:45am PDT     Brandon Libby: Drives a 2 door JK Wrangler and a 2013 Pro4x Nissan Xterra. Has been into off-roading and overlanding for about 5 years. Contact Brandon at and search Brandon Libby. Also on Google+, Facebook, Twitter all under the same name.     Alex Garner: 1999 Nissan Patrol, has been an overlander most of his life. Runs the Intents Offroad blog which can be found at and on:  Facebook:  Instagram: (@intentsoffroad)  Youtube:   @byronksmith showing Cape York what the mighty Patrol can do! @byronksmith tagged us in this photo and if you have some awesome photos; use the #intentsoffroad hashtag and I may just share it too ???? A photo posted by Alex Garner (@intentsoffroad) on Apr 8, 2015 at 12:45am PDT   Other Mentions:   Wikipedia Definition of Overlanding:   First Overland book on Amazon:     Voicemail number for feedback:  904-600-3478   Email address for feedback:

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