Do You Want to Go Fast or Far ?
If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together. African proverb Tales from the tribe with Jon from Tennessee Safety Tip - Protect your Hearing Changing your Exhaust - Mechanical tip from Mike 937 - 386 - 0535 Joke What are the ways you can describe your motorcycle but not your girlfriend? It's small, but it makes a hell of a noise. If you really push up tight, you can fit three people on it. It's ok... If you don't mind the bugs in her teeth. Sure you can ride her, everyone else has. Next week, a guy from Polaris, Mike D. shares with us the insides of the Indian Infotainment system and Ride Command app and web command. Shout out to the fellas at Indian Motorcycle Brotherhood on FB If you want to be featured like Jon, too talk tech, riding experiences, why you picked the Indian, or anything wise or funny that is good for the Order. Contact me, on Facebook or call me at 443- 360-5421 Thank you for listening. Subscribe. If you liked the show, support it by sharing it with a friend. Kenn