#002 Have Your Plan

Ajarn Ken offers some advice and tips to improving your English. This episode Ken advises you to ask yourself what's your short term goals and longer term goals for learning English. Ken talks you through his experience of learning a language and how he motivates and coaches his students to do the same. Ask yourself what you need to do to achieve this and what you are going to do. How long do you plan to study? How will you know when you achieve this plan? What will happen? Get in touch and let us know what your plan is and what your goals are and how you plan to achieve this. This will help other students with the same thing which can only be a good thing! ________ ???? Follow Ajarn Ken on Social Media: ???? Online English Courses - Discount Coupons ▶ F1: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English - https://www.udemy.com/learn-english-with-ajarn-ken-foundation-level-1/?couponCode=F1MARCHSALE ▶ F2: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English - https://www.udemy.com/speak-learn-english-conversation-daily-foundation-b/?couponCode=F2MARCHSALE ▶ F3: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English - https://www.udemy.com/f3-beginners-learn-english-speak-better-conversation-grammar-ajarn-ken/?couponCode=F3MARCHSALE ▶ D1: Beginners Dictations to Speak and Write Better English - https://www.udemy.com/learn-english-dictation-practice-lessons-listen-write-understand-a/?couponCode=D1MARCHSALE WEBSITES ▶ Get English Tips Website - https://www.GetEnglishTips.com ▶ Ajarn Ken Website - https://www.ajarnken.com ▶ Language Teachers Directory - https://www.LanguageOpenLearning.com INSTAGRAM ▶ Instagram Get English Tips - https://www.Instagram.com/getenglishtips ▶ Instagram 30 Second English Videos - https://www.instagram.com/30secondeng... ▶ Instagram Ajarn Ken - https://www.instagram.com/ajarnken FACEBOOK ▶ Facebook 30 Second English Videos - https://www.facebook.com/30secondseng... ▶ Facebook Get English Tips - https://www.facebook.com/GetLearnEngl... TWITTER ▶ Twitter Get English Tips - https://www.twitter.com/ajarnken LINE@: @AjarnKen for messenger or Ken@ajarnken.com

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