How to set (and stay on) your budget: Intro to Season 03 - Episode 0 (Season 3)

Over the years Amelia has been working with homeowners, she has often them asked this question …    “What are you most afraid of when renovating or building your home? What makes you most nervous, causes the most stress and brings about that feeling of overwhelm?”   The answer to this gets delivered in different ways. Sometimes with tears, and sometimes with hearty chuckles. Sometimes with quiet whispers like it’s something they don’t want to admit. But it always (and Amelia means ALWAYS) the response is similar.   There are a few main fears, and this one generally jumps out first. This is what you tell Amelia:  You’re nervous about what it will cost you to renovate or build or home  Can you afford to do what you want to do, this dream you have in your head (and heart) about your future home  How can you know you can start and won’t blow your budget along the way, and   How do you avoid being taken advantage of due to your lack of knowledge … being ripped off … being made a fool of … or making expensive mistakes.  These fears are understandable and totally justifiable. For every story of a successful renovation or building project, there’s a disaster story as well. One where homeowners have overspent by huge amounts sometimes. And we’re often talking about sums of money we’re borrowing from the bank, or have spent a long time saving or earning.   And, of course this fear is real because when you stuff it up at this scale, the consequences can be far reaching … financially, mentally, emotionally. It can impact so many areas of your lifestyle and your life – and those that you share it with.  In this podcast episode, Amelia shares the 3 main animal types (!) that homeowners can turn into when navigating this fear during their projects. And what goes wrong when they do.  And, she also asks you to flip your thinking about your project budget … in a way that can fundamentally change the journey, and the outcome you create in your finished home.  Listen to the episode now, and you’ll hear more about what’s coming up in this Season 3 of the “Get it Right” podcast, and how it will help you if you’re building or renovating.  And, for the first time ever, Undercover Architect has a podcast partner: Kiiko LED.  Kiiko LED is customisable, DIY, LED strip lighting, that you can order online to your specifications, for your needs and project.  Perhaps you’ve been looking for that integrated, designed lighting solution, and found it really hard to access as a one-off for your project. It’s expensive to get made to order, or requires your electrician to do a bunch of work on site to make it happen.  Previously this level of customisation and design was only accessible to those in the trade. Kiiko instead brings custom linear LED to you, from their headquarters in Brisbane, Australia.   You can order online via the Kiiko website. So you pick your design, your length, your LED light type. If you need help with designing your LED strip lighting solution, you can always jump on the phone or email to one of their team too.     Kiiko is founded by Craig Thomas, who Amelia personally has had the pleasure of working with for over 12 years now, in her own projects, and in client projects.    And so Amelia has been able to organise with Kiiko a fantastic UA Community only offer. If you head to their website at you’ll be able to access a $25 discount to use on your first order.    Check it out, and start building your Kiiko LED strip lighting now!  FOR RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST CLICK HERE See for privacy information.

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