Making your home great: All things WEST - Episode 5 (Season 1)
This is Episode 5 of Season 1. This episode is the last of our four orientations. Over the last 3 episodes, we've talked about north, east, and south sunlight and orientations. In this episode, we’ll talk about all things WEST. This will help you get it right if you’re seeking ways to make your home feel great, and also if you have you have a west-facing home. So what do you need to be aware of with western sunlight? This can be the most challenging orientation to deal with. West is the direction our sun sets in, and even in the cooler months, it can still be a harsh quality of light. Yet, there are still ways we can create homes to manage it, and respond to it. Let’s dive deeply into: What western sunlight is like What’s not great about western sunlight How we need to shade and shelter from western sunlight You’ll understand in detail: What rooms need to be facing west What rooms don’t need to be facing west 5 tools you can use to protect your home from western sun And if you have a west-facing home, you’ll learn: What your priorities should be if you’re designing a home for a west-facing orientation What can go wrong in designing for western sunlight How to use the strategies to add design value for free What else you need to know about designing for a west-facing home There’s a lot of great information crammed into this podcast … you may want to take notes! Listen to the podcast now. FOR RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST CLICK HERE See for privacy information.