The Hammers - A Preview - Part 1
This week Gary and Gary discuss the upcoming King of The Hammers competition, plus an update on the TK project. The boys are still busy working on theirs and others jeeps in the MechanHack Shack. And as always the world-famous Jeep of the Week is announced as is a bunch of listener feedback. Tune in to hear a fresh new episode of the Northwest Jeepcast. Look for bonus content at Links ** Northwest Performance and Off Road || ** DNR Help Plan Baker to Bellingham Recreation || ** Dynatrac First Look at Factory Jeep JL Axles || ** King Of the Hammers Info || ** KOH Live Feeds - Feb-2-10 ** --Visit for all your Jeep needs and listen for a special coupon code. Start your Amazon shopping experience at to help support this show. And follow us @nwjeepcast on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.