Going into the Wild
This week Gary and Gary record on the trail in Washington's Kettle River Range. They narrate their adventure of wheelin into the wild, and wild it got with another #TreeStump mishap. They discuss dispersed camping on National Forest Service lands and how it has helped them explore further into the wild. And get your #AirGuitar ready for another Jeep of the Week. Tune in to hear Gary's mishap and the wild ride they took. All this and more in a fresh new episode of the Northwest Jeepcast. Info on the trails discussed in this episode: ** King/Mack Mountains || ** Twin Sisters || ** Owl Mountain || ** Thompson Ridge || ** Colville National Forest Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) || ** Forest Service Dispersed Camping Rules --Visit Northridge4x4.com for all your Jeep needs and listen for a special coupon code. Start your Amazon shopping experience at http://nwjeepcast.com/amazon to help support this show. And follow us @nwjeepcast on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.