On the Skids
This week, Gary and Gary discuss skid plate systems. Typically skid systems will include an engine and transmission skid plate, a transfer case skid plate, and a gas tank skid plate. They cover everything you need to know when choosing which skid plates to get. They announce the winner of the Thanksgive-a-way, so listen to find out if you won. They discuss some listener emails and a few projects they have going on helping out listeners. And talk about a snow wheeling trip with all the details of the what went well and some trail damage. Products discussed on the show: ** Tire Grooving Iron || ** J.T. Brooks Automatic Tire Deflators PRO || ** Artec Bellypan and Crossmember || ** JCR skid plates ** EVO Protek Skid plate system || ** Rock Hard 4x4 Skid plate package || ** Synergy Skid plate System || --Visit Northridge4x4.com for all your jeep needs and listen for a special coupon code. Start your Amazon shopping experience at http://nwjeepcast.com/amazon to help support this show. And follow us @nwjeepcast on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.