The Snow is Flying, Now What?
This week, Gary and Gary discuss a bunch of snow wheeling stories and everything you need to know get out your jeep out into the snow. But first they cover all the jeep life activities they've been involved in for the week - welding, bondo body work, hub maintenance, YJ check-up and more . And they discuss some upcoming events, and these are the last weeks for the Thanks Give-a-way; listen for participation details. They discuss all the gear for your jeep and yourself to be better prepared for the snow. They describe some techniques to use to get up and over and sometimes through the snow. And they discuss some of their trips to the best snow wheeling Western and Central Washington has to offer. Links discussed on the show: ** New Cherokee vs the XJ || ** SNOTEL - site for snow reports || ** ARB E-Z Deflator || ** Staun HD Tyre Deflators || ** Jantz J-Flators || ** J.T. Brooks Automatic Tire Deflators PRO || ** Valve cores and tool || ** Snow Shovel || --Visit for all your jeep needs and listen for a special coupon code. Start your Amazon shopping experience at to help support this show. And follow us @nwjeepcast on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.