Hofmann Designs #117
Curtis of Hofmann Designs is one of the original Builders in our Performance Bagger Movement! His builds have graced many magazines over the years and now his latest build is the Drag Specialties Fat Book Cover! Curtis is an all around builder who has found a way to make his mark on many styles of bikes over the years! Simpson Motorcycle Helmets www.simpsonmotorcyclehelmets.com Dream Rides www.teamdreamrides.com Big Bear Performance www.bigbearperformance.com Paint Huffer metal Flake www.paintHuffer.com Offer code “fastlife12” for 10% off Thunder Max www.shoptmax.com Lexin Motorcycle www.lexinmotorcycle.com Offer code “fastlife” for 15% off Boosted Brad www.boostedbrad.com Offer code “fastlife” for 5% off