Cars of Carlisle (C/of/C): Episode 077 — Paul Gettel - Tales from the Shop
Paul Gettel: Tales from the Shop Today, meet Paul Gettel, founder and owner of ‘Cars By Gettel.’ Darren spent some time hanging out in Paul’s massive outbuilding, a space dedicated to car repair, restoration, and customization. Paul has decades of fascinating stories about buying and selling collectible and exotic cars, and taking incredible road trips. Not only is Paul involved in local car clubs and events, he has piled on myriad miles traversing North America on his motorcycles. To him, the best way to travel is to make new friends with the locals by asking about the coolest places to visit off-the-beaten-path….. especially any points-of-interest NOT listed in a travel book. There is wisdom in Paul’s tales…you’re going to enjoy them.