Cars of Carlisle (C/of/C): Episode 043 — America on Wheels
America on Wheels: Allentown Car Museum This week, Darren and Scott explore just one of many local museums/businesses that preserve history, educate the public and foster interest in automotive and transportation information. They spent this past Saturday as guests at the America on Wheels Museum on Front Street in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Executive Director, Linda Merkel and volunteer guides like Gary Peters share their wealth and knowledge and time with museum visitors. The Cars of Carlisle crew witnessed firsthand the amount of care the museum team has for people as well as all things with wheels. Why did Mack Trucks decide to use the bulldog as their logo? Where did the terms "backseat driver", "station wagon" or "pickup truck" originate? Well, tune in and find out as Cars of Carlisle team shares the answers to these -- and other -- questions in this educational episode! Now...let's get revved up!