Cars of Carlisle (C/of/C): Episode 036 -- The 2018 Year in Review
2018: Our Car Community's First Year And what an awesome year it was! From our first episode -- which aired on April 9th, 2018 -- to the Christmas mini-show (air date: December 25th), we have had the most amazing first year in business. Thank you! Question: Do you know what the best part of doing this podcast is? Answer: You, our fans. Cubers are the very best! Listen to Episode 036 and enjoy some highlights of the first 35 episodes spanning over nine months. While the 2018 year is in the rearview mirror, there's a lot of fun to recapture in looking back. Yet, it doesn't stop there. Next week's show (Episode 037) will focus on what's out front, through the windshield. Together, we'll review the 2019 Carlisle car show schedule, new events the C/of/C team will be attending, and some of the cool car people we will be interviewing. Stay tuned (and don't forget to Subscribe on iTunes).