8. Storm Area 51/James Onieal on OBAP, Ab Initio a Scholarships/Daniel Cheung Aviation Tax Specialist
8. Storm Area 51/James Onieal on OBAP, Ab Initio, Scholarships/Daniel Cheung, Aviation Tax Specialist. Max recaps his IOE experience [0:50]. The guys discuss Storm Area 51, Stolen MIG crashes, The Bob Lazar Documentary on Netflix, and what it would be like to fly for Janet Airlines. [3:57] James Onieal calls in to give us an update after attending OBAP [11:20]. James shares tips on maximizing your experience when attending a convention/job fair [14:45]. We discuss Southwest’s new Destination 225 program and Ab Initio training [16:43]. James shares information on NGPA’s scholarship program [28:00]. Dylan and Max ask about the latest trends in interview clothing and James offers some wardrop tips [35:20]. Daniel Cheung, the Aviation Tax Guy, joins us to explain bonus depreciation [39:20]. Daniel explains writing off the costs of a small airplane [57:32]. Dylan wraps it up with a story from his glory days at the regional airlines [1:09:45]. Guest contact information James Onieal - info@ravencareers.com - RavenCareers.com - @ravencareers Daniel Cheung - Daniel@aviationtaxconsultants.com - AviationTaxConsultants.com - @daniel_cheung_atc Additional information on the scholarships discussed: Raven Careers Resources Page Links to other discussion topics Bob Lazar interview on Joe Rogan Bob Lazar: Area 51 a Flying Saucers - Netflix Documentary Storm Area 51 Music Festival Raven Careers Youtube Page? Do you have feedback, suggestions, or a great aviation story to share? Email us info@21fivepodcast.com Check out our Instagram feed @21FivePodcast for more great content and to see our collection of aviation license plates.