Tips on Getting More Value from ATC: June 7th, 2015
Are You Aviation Radio Friendly?One of the greatest assets the U.S. Airspace has to offer today's pilot is the air traffic control system. But how do we leverage it, and how do we become a value added participant?That's what Marc and Al discussed tonight. Pilots that aren't comfortable in the system can slow it down and make it less effective for all other pilots. Some of the faux pas' include: Not being prepared to speak. This usually ends up with the pilot doing a lot of thinking while the push to talk button is pushed. Be careful of holding the push to talk switch and leaving dead air! Watch the number of "Uhhhh's and Ummm's" Using a lot of extra words 2. Not knowing where they are.But for those that practice their communication by adhering to the following tips, will get more out of the system for themselves and their fellow pilots.1. Saying your initial call to ATC in your head first, prior to pushing the mic button and saying it the second time;2. Confirming your location with your avionics, prior to making a request call to ATC;3. Making sure you are primarily listening for your call sign while you are having a discussion with your passengers;4. Pausing prior to speaking to ensure the line is clear;5. Using Roger, Wilco, and Affirmative appropriately when responding to ATC; 6. Being confident and succinct in your communications.Also, be familiar with the services ATC provides all pilots whether it's VFR or IFR. ATC is there to help. You just have to know what they can do and how to ask for it.Blues Skies and Tailwinds.