Beyond the Preflight Checklist | AaP/IA Dean Showalter | Episode 29 Every good pilot has one important tool that’s needed before evening starting the engine – the preflight checklist. From day one of flight training, you’re taught the importance of not only performing, but understanding your preflight inspection. But are there some specific things to look for that aren’t clearly spelled out in your checklist? Today we welcome Dean Showalter to the podcast to walk us through some ideas. Dean is an AaP/IA and pilot himself based at Classic Aviation at the Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport in Virginia. Dean also produces the Airplane Owner Maintenance Podcast, a show that’s informative and valuable for mechanics, airplane owners and even student pilots. Resources Get Dean’s free exhaust valve training guide mentioned in this episode: Gain the knowledge you need to pass your Private, Instrument or Commercial FAA written exam, plus “whole picture” learning that will make you a lifelong, safe aviator. Check out Aviator Training online ground school (LIVE and recorded formats): Get a Kore Aviation headset! Use this link and you’ll save 10% at checkout: What’s Next? COMMENT on FOLLOW us on social media at @flymauihi, @johncaubble, @lcaubble SUBSCRIBE on iTunes or your favorite podcast provider