Episode 12: A Student Pilot's Perspective Prior to Solo
There is typically a rollercoaster of emotions that a student pilot feels in the hours of training leading to the first solo. Like our son, Jonathan, you may have be fearful of being in a small aircraft. As you work through those fears, then it’s the exciting first hours when the aviation “bug bites.” You feel accomplished and elated when you land the plane unassisted for the first time. Student pilots may also feel discouraged if there are lengthy weather or maintenance delays. Some students feel like they are ready for their first solo, but the instructor is hesitant. It’s also about this time that you begin to realize everything you have yet to learn, you’re facing the big written test, or possibly running out of finances for training. On this episode, John chats with our son, Jonathan, who is about 15 hours into his private pilot training. Hear some of the challenges and rewards he’s encountered so far as a student pilot. Resources https://www.flymauihi.com/ http://flyjonesboro.com/ Get a Kore Aviation headset! Use this link and you’ll save 10% at checkout: https://www.koreheadset.com/discount/FLIGHTSCHOOL?rfsn=1947882.ec1885autm_source=refersionautm_medium=affiliateautm_campaign=1947882.ec1885 What’s Next? COMMENT on www.flymauihi.com FOLLOW us on social media at @flymauihi, @johncaubble, @lcaubble SUBSCRIBE on iTunes or your favorite podcast provider