Episode 10: Surviving a Plane Crash
Experienced pilots will tell you it’s not a matter of if, but when, that you eventually experience an engine failure in flight. Whether it’s caused by fuel starvation or a fluke mechanical failure, it’s an experience that’s surely to get the blood and adrenaline pumping. Today we have a special interview with the survivor of an engine failure that resulted in a crash. His story really impacts us in a deep way, because it’s John’s brother, Buddy Caubble, and our nephew, Harrison, who were in the plane that day. Resources https://www.flymauihi.com/ http://flyjonesboro.com/ Get a Kore Aviation headset! Use this link and you’ll save 10% at checkout: https://www.koreheadset.com/discount/FLIGHTSCHOOL?rfsn=1947882.ec1885autm_source=refersionautm_medium=affiliateautm_campaign=1947882.ec1885 What’s Next? COMMENT on www.flymauihi.com FOLLOW us on social media at @flymauihi, @johncaubble, @lcaubble SUBSCRIBE on iTunes or your favorite podcast provider