Episode 5: Talking Story with the Aloha 99's
Only 0.2% of the U.S. population are certificated pilots… and out of those pilots, only about 6% are female. Since the days of Amelia Earhart, this select group of women pilots have joined together for networking, encouragement, training, and busting through any stereotypes in this male-dominated industry of aviation. Today on the podcast we have the honor of introducing you to three women who live on Maui and are members of The Ninety-Nines, Inc., Int’l Organization of Women Pilots. We’ve asked them to share a little about their flying experiences, what being a part of the 99s means to them, and of course, their favorite things to do on Maui. Resources https://www.flymauihi.com/ https://www.ninety-nines.org/ https://www.wai.org/ https://www.airraceclassic.org/ Anita White, the “Aviator Agent” https://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/associate/180-a-3018-4027421/anita-white Follow these organizations on social media: IG: @theninetyninesinc a @womeninaviation Twitter: @TheNinetyNines a @WomenInAviation Facebook: @99sinc, @aloha99s, a @WomenInAviationIntl What’s Next? COMMENT on www.flymauihi.com FOLLOW us on social media at @flymauihi, @johncaubble, @lcaubble SUBSCRIBE on iTunes or your favorite podcast provider