Episode 11 - Post Americade Recovery Podcast
Hello and welcome to the long awaited Episode #11 of Motorcycle Men. In this Episode, Tim talks Jerky, Chris has a rant and I sing the praises of the Harley Davidson V-Rod.Yes, we are back after a week off and a week at the Americade Motorcycle Rally in Lake George, NY. We attended the 33rd running of this wonderful rally in a beautiful area of New York that opens its arms the motorcycle community. And what a week it was.Naturally our expectations were much higher than our ability to meet them and we planned far more than we could ever hope to achieve without being cloned. Suffice to say we wore ourselves out and only managed a scant portion of the activities that are available to the normal Americader. We cruised, we ate, we walked, we rode, we walked some more, we ate more and we spent a lot of money.So enjoy this long 2-hour episode and get your fill of the Americade experience and hopefully you too will be so taken by this episode that you too will find yourself at the rally next year. Most certainly, we will be there again.Peace and all that,Ride safe kidsTed Support the show (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=zPl7v5FjoO6fCov5rwbFo35sxmoOIUqUhcR1q1UVtP34xAVolJzW0aJ6GNSdljsPAT4MC0afromUL=trueacountry.x=USalocale.x=en_US)