16: Soaring Fast in Open Class In Northern California With Thomas Greenhill

In this episode Chuck talks with Thomas Greenhill, a glider pilot out of northern California. Thomas enjoys flying contest and hopes to fly in the world gliding championships by his 25th birthday. Flying over the pacific at 10,000 feet ? listen to this episode to hear the rest of that story. He also has been bringing other young pilots and others that want to learn how to soar together through social media in slack. To join the slack channel click on this link https://join.slack.com/t/ca-soaring/shared_invite/enQtNDM5MjIwMDYwODM0LTMyZmQzMDBjZmVlZjkzOWIzZGVkMjk4MjQ3MGQwYWUwOTdkMGNmZWQ5NmM4NGQ2YzhmZTg0ODczOWNkOTk5NzI You can also watch his Youtube channel called Tango Soaring. Join us now to hear his story !

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