The Thermal Episode #18
On Episode #18 of The Thermal – a near death gliding video from New Zealand that’s gone viral. What if anything can we learn from this incident? Gliding guru G Dale…gives us his two-cents worth. And an interview with Bernard Eckey…the gliding legend behind Advanced Soaring Made Easy. We talk to him about edition 4.1 On Gliding Club Confidential, we go to the CuNim gliding club, nestled in the foot hills of the Canadian Rockies. Spectacular scenery and spectacular flights. And we turn back the hands of time to 1964 and a diamond cross-country flight in a K-6. It was a year when there was no Department of Homeland Security and Canadian Glider pilots could fly across the border without the additional risk of getting shot down. That’s all on Episode #18 of The Thermal.